Brand Name: ZAR
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Color: Cherry
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Coating Material: Oil
*Product Type: Wood Stain
*Container Size: 1/2 pt.
*Coverage Area: 3,200 sq. ft.
*Sealer: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Time Before Recoating: 24 hr.
*Application Method: Wipe
*Tintable: Yes
*UV Resistant: No
*Wipes on easily with a cloth
*Controlled penetration
*Multi-surface formula
*Leaves no lap marks or streaks
Brand Name: ZAR
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Smooth
*Color: Fruitwood
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Coating Material: Oil
*Product Type: Wood Stain
*Container Size: 1/2 pt.
*Tintable: Yes
*Sealer: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Time Before Recoating: 24 hr.
*Coverage Area: 3,200 sq. ft.
*Application Method: Wipe
*UV Resistant: No
*Wipes on easily with a cloth
*Controlled penetration
*Multi-surface formula
*Leaves no lap marks or streaks
Brand Name: ZAR
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Smooth
*Color: Honey Maple
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Product Type: Wood Stain
*Container Size: 1/2 pt.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Coverage Area: 3,200 sq. ft.
*Time Before Recoating: 24 hr.
*Tintable: Yes
*UV Resistant: No
*Application Method: Wipe
*Sealer: No
*Wipes on easily with a cloth
*Controlled penetration
*Multi-surface formula
*Leaves no lap marks or streaks
Brand Name: ZAR
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Smooth
*Color: Dark Mahogany
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Coating Material: Oil
*Product Type: Wood Stain
*Container Size: 1/2 pt.
*Time Before Recoating: 24 hr.
*UV Resistant: No
*Coverage Area: 3,200 sq. ft.
*Sealer: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Application Method: Wipe
*Tintable: Yes
*Wipes on easily with a cloth
*Controlled penetration
*Multi-surface formula
*Leaves no lap marks or streaks
Brand Name: ZAR
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Smooth
*Color: Salem Maple
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Coating Material: Oil
*Product Type: Wood Stain
*Container Size: 1/2 pt.
*Application Method: Wipe
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*UV Resistant: No
*Tintable: Yes
*Coverage Area: 3,200 sq. ft.
*Time Before Recoating: 24 hr.
*Sealer: No
*Wipes on easily with a cloth
*Controlled penetration
*Multi-surface formula
*Leaves no lap marks or streaks
Brand Name: ZAR
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Smooth
*Color: Spanish Oak
*Base Type: Deep
*Coating Material: Oil-Based
*Product Type: Wood Stain
*Container Size: 1/2 pt.
*Sealer: No
*Coverage Area: 3,200 sq. ft. Per Gallon sq. ft.
*Time Before Recoating: 24 hr.
*UV Resistant: No
*Application Method: Wipe
*Tintable: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Wipes on easily with a cloth
*Controlled penetration
*Multi-surface formula
*Leaves no lap marks or streaks
Brand Name: ZAR
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Color: Cherry
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Coating Material: Oil
*Product Type: Wood Stain
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*UV Resistant: No
*Coverage Area: 3,200 sq. ft.
*Application Method: Wipe
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Tintable: Yes
*Sealer: No
*Wipes on easily with a cloth
*Controlled penetration
*Multi-surface formula
*Leaves no lap marks or streaks
Brand Name: ZAR
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Smooth
*Color: Fruitwood
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Coating Material: Oil
*Product Type: Wood Stain
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*UV Resistant: No
*Tintable: Yes
*Application Method: Wipe
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Coverage Area: 3,200 sq. ft.
*Sealer: No
*Time Before Recoating: 24 hr.
*Wipes on easily with a cloth
*Controlled penetration
*Multi-surface formula
*Leaves no lap marks or streaks
Brand Name: ZAR
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Smooth
*Color: Dark Mahogany
*Coating Material: Oil-Based
*Product Type: Wood Stain
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*UV Resistant: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Application Method: Wipe
*Coverage Area: 3,200 sq. ft.
*Time Before Recoating: 24 hr.
*Sealer: No
*Tintable: Yes
*Wipes on easily with a cloth
*Controlled penetration
*Multi-surface formula
*Leaves no lap marks or streaks
Brand Name: ZAR
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Color: Salem Maple
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Coating Material: Oil
*Product Type: Wood Stain
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Sealer: No
*Tintable: Yes
*Time Before Recoating: 24 hr.
*Application Method: Wipe
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*UV Resistant: No
*Coverage Area: 3,200 sq. ft.
*Wipes on easily with a cloth
*Controlled penetration
*Multi-surface formula
*Leaves no lap marks or streaks
Brand Name: ZAR
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Color: Spanish Oak
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Product Type: Wood Stain
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Coverage Area: 3,200 sq. ft.
*Tintable: Yes
*Sealer: No
*Application Method: Wipe
*Time Before Recoating: 24 hr.
*UV Resistant: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Wipes on easily with a cloth
*Controlled penetration
*Multi-surface formula
*Leaves no lap marks or streaks
Brand Name: ZAR
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Smooth
*Color: Walnut
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Coating Material: Oil
*Product Type: Wood Stain
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Time Before Recoating: 24 hr.
*Sealer: No
*UV Resistant: No
*Tintable: Yes
*Application Method: Wipe
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Coverage Area: 3,200 sq. ft.
*Wipes on easily with a cloth
*Controlled penetration
*Multi-surface formula
*Leaves no lap marks or streaks
STAIN&POLYTH AGBAR 0.5PT *Brand Name: Minwax *Sub Brand: PolyShades *Transparency: Semi-Transparent *Sheen: Satin *Color: Aged Barrel *Base Type: *Coating Material: *Product Type: Stain/Polyurethane Finish *Container Size: 0.5 pt *ContentsBefore Colorant: oz *Tintable: No *Application Method: Brush *Time Before Recoating: 6 hr *Coverage Area: 30-37.5 sq ft*UV Resistant: No *Sealer: Yes *Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor *Color Family: Brown *Clean-Up: Mineral Spirits *Dry Time: 6 hr. *Discovery ACC, NBR, SUP, EXP
STAIN&POLYTH SLATE 1QT *Brand Name: Minwax *Sub Brand: Polyshades *Transparency: Semi-Transparent *Sheen: Satin *Color:Slate *Base Type: Oil-Based *Coating Material: Polyurethane *Product Type: Stain and Polyurethane Finish *Container Size: 1 qt *Tintable: No *Application Method: Brush *Time Before Recoating: 6 hr *Coverage Area: 120-150 sq ft *UV Resistant: No *Sealer: Yes *Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor *Color Family: Gray *Clean-Up: Mineral Spirits *Dry Time: 6 hr. *DiscoveryACC, NBR, SUP, EXP
ULTRA ZAR Plus Satin 156 Cherry Quart
*Sub Brand: Plus
*Sheen: Satin
*Color: Cherry
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Product Type: Fast-Drying Wood Stain and Polyurethane
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Coverage Area: 150 sq. ft.
*UV Resistant: No
*Time Before Recoating: 2 hr.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Full Cure Time: 2 hr.